After Treatment
Listed below are some recommendations that we advise after our visit to your property to help contain and manage any pest problems that you have.
One week after our visit wipe out all cupboards
Clean down any spider webs
Clean out behind fridge/freezer and dish washer
Clean up any food scraps or sources ie: open packages in sealed containers
Clean/pickup any animal faeces
Remove all clutter from around the house and yard less places for the bugs to harbor.
Remove all dead insects and rubbish from site
If possible, seal any cracks or crevices with filler to remove entry points for insects
For Millipedes, turn all external lights off and cover windows of evening as they are attracted to light.
If you find that you still have a problem after three to four weeks then please don't hesitate to contact the office on 9274 6011 and organize for our technician to return.
If you have requested a return visit then please don't remove spider webs so that the technician can see where they are hiding