Termites (White Ants)
Termites are attracted to dark damp environments, so fix leaking water pipes, drains, showers, sinks, etc. Captured water from air conditioning units and down pipes should be directed into storm water drainage or away from the main structure of the building. If the building is of the subfloor variety then good ventilation and air flow under the structure is highly desirable.‹
Termites are especially attracted to timber that is damp and infested with wood-decaying fungi. Proper site preparation, the use of timber alternatives, termite resistant wood, timber preservatives, and prevention of dampness will deter termites.‹
Use resistant or treated timber where possible, especially in exposed positions or in contact with the ground. ‹
Resistant timbers are wandoo, blackbutt, jam, jarrah, western red cedar and kapur. Also resistant are the Australian native cypress pines and Australian cedar.‹
Susceptible timbers include pine, karri, marri, mountain ash, meranti and particle board. All sapwood, even of resistant species, is susceptible.‹
No timber is totally resistant to attack.‹
Regular inspections are the most important part of controlling termites before they do damage.‹
Many methods of treatment can be used, but at Midland Pest Control we recommend a chemical barrier be installed as our preferred method of prevention. Chemical Barriers can be installed in new and existing structures. These barriers are formed when the chemical is applied to the soil under or around the foundations of the structure.
On buildings the gutters, window air conditioners (especially empty air conditioner containment boxes), chimney pots and external ledges will be used as nesting sites. Many building owners attempt to limit roosting by using bird control spikes and netting to cover ledges and resting places on the facades of buildings. However this can be unsightly. These probably have little effect on the size of pigeon populations, but can help to reduce the accumulation of droppings on and around an individual building.‹
Blind Baiting is a Chemical option to eradicate populations in high density areas but this is time consuming and costly treatment option as the birds need to be hand feed for approx 2 weeks.‹
Our preferred option of eradication is shooting when appropriate this is done with a pellet air gun and normally done at daybreak or dusk, while the pigeons are roosting. This may need to be done for a few days until numbers are depleted.
Non Chemical Solutions this is a cleanliness and hygiene issue.
1. Clean up after food handling immediately and thoroughly.‹
2. Dishes and utensils washed immediately.‹
3. Water availability should be reduced.‹
4. Sealing food in air tight containers.‹
5. Garbage removed regularly.‹
6. Consistent cleanliness throughout all areas.‹
Chemical Solutions - we treat spiders, cockroaches , rats and mice and many other miscellaneous insects with this. On the interior we would spray all skirting areas. Gel bait throughout the cupboards, spray all cracks and crevices around kitchen and areas of concern. Dust all fridge/freezer motors check washing machine motor and dishwasher motor. Externally we would wet spray around the perimeter of the house, garden beds and around fence line.
Rodent Control‹
A few simple things can be done to help prevent infestation.
1. Eliminate clutter from in and around buildings.
2. Remove rubbish and debris.‹
3. Keep gardens neat and trimmed.‹
4. Store all food in sealed containers.‹
5. Dispose of food scraps appropriately.‹
At Midland Pest Control we prefer to use a baiting system for the treatment and eradication of rodents.‹
We use a number of different types of baits at the same time to prevent the rodents from becoming bait shy. These baits are placed in roof voids, discretely internally in buildings and also externally where needed.
Handy Hints to eliminate them taking up residence in your home are
1. A bright light in the roof will deter them and also allow you to find the entry points that will need to be closed up or fixed.‹
2. A sheet metal collar around the bases of the trees to prevent them from climbing.‹
3. Trim all over hanging branches from the house.‹
4. Place moth balls in the areas as they don't like the smell.‹
Trap can be set and checked daily to capture and then removed from property.
Prevention solutions for around the home that you the client can do
1. Maintain high standard of hygiene clean up after food.‹
2. Remove as many water sources as possible.‹
3. Keep gardens and lawns trimmed and remove any rubbish that they may harbor in.‹
For chemical treatment, we recommend termidore spraying and granular/gel baiting for this. The techs will find as many ant trails as they can and inject directly into the nest holes, spraying all areas that are affected. Internally they will gel bait, spray, dust and granular bait where needed.
General Pest spraying an insecticide with a residual effect so that any hidden spiders will be treated as they emerge from their hiding places and cross the residual chemicals, picking up on the treatment this way,or by simply ingesting there web as explained above.
Treated with All Domestic Pests Treatment - All Domestic Pests we treat spiders, cockroaches , rats and mice, and many other miscellaneous insects with this. On the interior we would spray all cornices and skirting areas gel bait throughout the cupboards, spray all cracks and crevices around kitchen and areas of concern. Dust all fridge/freezer motors check washing machine motor and dishwasher motor. Externally we would wet spray all eaves, window frames and doorways, all outdoor living areas, patio furniture, clothes line, around shed and under fence capping, all pot plants and all play equipment. Roof cavity would be dusted and also baited for rodents. Baiting for rodents would also be put behind fridge/freezer and discretely where activity is noted.
Hard Shelled Insects (Arthropods)‹
Things you can do
1. Of an evening turn external lights off and close curtains attracted to light.‹
2. If possible put light on away from home to draw them away from your living environment.‹
Chemical Solution we use a mix of 2-3 different chemicals and then blanket spray the garden beds, lawns and pathways.
Flea treatments on the inside of a property, are always done after the carpet cleaners have been in (same day or next). All carpeted areas and all entry points into the home are sprayed we may also lift and check furniture and spray these areas as well. Externally we will treat all sand areas and anywhere a pet may have laid including bedding areas of the pet.
Bees and Wasps‹
Treatment is very much the same way as one another. Try and find all nest/hives within the property and spray/dust/gas and smoke whichever is deemed the most effective for the site.